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Landscape & Farming

Farmland makes up just over 6,000 acres of the Castle Howard Estate

Of this, approximately 3,200 acres are tenanted and let as nine fully equipped farm holdings and 15 bare land agreements. 2,300 acres are farmed on behalf of the Castle Howard Estate and the remainder is managed specifically for wildlife and habitat benefits.

An Aberdeen Angus suckler cow herd was established at Castle Howard, grazing estate fields, with most of the beef being supplied to the Farm Shop.

Arable cropping at Park Farm comprises of; winter wheat, triticale, fallow and grassland. Some land is also let out for potatoes and other root vegetables on yearly cropping licences.

Environmental stewardship is at the heart of the wider management of the estate. This includes schemes for the regeneration of hedgerows and field margins to encourage biodiversity. 


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