Felling operations are currently taking place in Coneysthorpe Banks Wood.
Please can we ask all visitors to always remain on public footpaths, keep dogs on leads and follow any signs. Thank you for your help in keeping the woodlands safe.
Castle Howard's woodlands are managed by our own forestry team for commercial timber production, sporting and general amenity. Our woodlands range from commercial coniferous plantations to magnificent mature oak woods.
Our timber is harvested in a sustainable way and the Castle Howard Tree Nursery supplies our team with trees for replanting the woods after felling operations. Environmental stewardship is at the heart of the wider management of the Estate and includes schemes for creating wildlife habitats and improving biodiversity. In recent years older coniferous plantations have been felled and replanted with native broadleaf species such as oak, sycamore and cherry as part of our restoration of ancient woodland sites.
The department also undertakes forestry contracting services off the Estate and manages the Castle Howard Tree Nursery.
Work in our woodland may occasionally cause delays on certain Public Rights of Way, please follow signage as appropriate.
The Woodland Management Plan is the blueprint for the sustainable and sensitive management of our woods, and a copy is available for public inspection in our Estate Office by appointment. Please write to The Estate Office, Castle Howard, York YO60 7DA.
Our firewood delivery service runs from August to April every year. Please call 01653 648646 to place your order.
Our seasoned, air-dried hardwood logs are sustainably sourced from the Estate woodlands and we plant approx. 5000 new trees every year to ensure an eco-friendly approach.
Available in full loads and with a free home delivery service to customers within a 5 mile radius of the Estate, we provide our local communities with a flexible and quality service.